About Normag
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Normag develops, produces and supplies high-quality systems for HDD (horizontal directional drilling) and micro-tunnelling. Aside from innovative technologies, we use our decades of practical experience in the development and construction of HDD and micro-tunnelling facilities to achieve this.
Normag’s facilities are required to conform to the strictest standards. This is why we have drawn up eight basic principles for all our HDD and micro-tunnelling systems:
- compact with high capacity
- modular construction
- mobile
- short rig-up times
- safe
- easy to use
- switchable
- low operating costs
Civil engineering, pipeline construction, offshore industry
Normag’s facilities can be either produced in series or tailored to client specifications. The performance and capacity of the various modules have been optimally co-ordinated across our wide product range. Normag works for clients in civil engineering, pipeline construction and the offshore industry across the globe.
Facility hire
Would you prefer to hire a machine? We can help! Normag has built a whole fleet of machines for hire. You can hire machines for the duration of a project, or to test a facility, for example. This gives you access to various systems while relying on Normag’s expertise for service and maintenance. Get to know the most efficient machines in our field: click on ‘Hire’ [link] or call +31 (0)51 365 7209
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